Doceń naszą
społeczną misję
Odpowiedzialność to jeden z fundamentów działalności Emmerson Evaluation. Dlatego konsekwentnie wspieramy projekty dotyczące edukacji, profilaktyki i ochrony zdrowia oraz walki z wykluczeniem społecznym. Wierzymy, że dzięki synergii biznesu oraz partnerów publicznych możemy przyczynić się do rozwiązania wielu istotnych społecznie problemów.
We support Our Safe World Foundation
We constantly help Our Safe World – a foundation for disabled people which provides comprehensive therapy for people with mental disabilities or with multiple disabilities. The foundation also enables its protégés to participate in social life and prevents their exclusion.
We support Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation
We are partners of the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation which carries out activities in the field of leukemia prevention and promotes the idea of bone marrow donation. We had the honor of participating in the photo shoot for the album Business & Prestige Excellence which portrays 30 famous women who were involved in helping children with cancer. We also took part in the official auction. The income from the sales of the album and the auction went to the children with oncological diseases, who are under the care of the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation, and their parents.
We support science
We collaborate with the Department of Economics for Real Estate and Investment Process in Cracow. We have actively contributed both financially and in terms of content to the organization of the conference Real Estate and Investment. Local and Global Aspects put together by the University and UEK Foundation.